Simba APN Settings for Fast Internet (best)

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screenshot of the simba apn with same overlay text left

Here’s exactly the Best APN for Simba that can improve your internet speed a few times, moreover, this is proven, and recommended by the company people officially.

Fear not, intrepid explorer! This guide is your compass, leading you step-by-step through the process of setting your Simba APN on both Android and iOS devices. We’ll demystify the jargon, provide clear instructions with screenshots, and even offer troubleshooting tips to ensure your journey to internet bliss is smooth and swift.

Simba APN Settings

Username(leave blank)
Password(leave blank)
Authentication TypePAP or CHAP
APN Typedefault,supl,mms
APN ProtocolIPv4/IPv6
APN Roaming ProtocolIPv4/IPv6
screenshot of the naming the apn for simba internet config
screenshot of adding the apn value for the simba pan

Best and Official Simba Internet APN

APN username(none)
APN password(none)
IP AddressDynamic (using DHCP)
Data RoamingEnabled
screenshot of editing simba apn with thinking emoji and overlay text

To configure a device on the Simbase network:

  1. Go into the network or cellular settings and locate Access Point Names (APN) settings
  2. Enter the details as shown in the above table:
    • APN: simbase
    • APN username: leave blank
    • APN password: leave blank
  3. Set IP Address assignment to Dynamic (using DHCP standard protocol)
  4. Enable Data Roaming
  5. Save the settings

This will properly configure devices to connect with cellular data, texting, and calling over the Simbase network. Let me know if you need any clarification or have additional setup questions!

screenshot of the edit access point for simba pan
screenshot of edit access point with delete apn save and discard for simba

Best Gaming APN for Simba

Improve Ping for Online Games

Begin with SIMBA’s standard APN profile:

access point names for simba
  • Once connected, experiment with “default”, “supl”, and “mms” under APN Type in cellular settings. Run ping tests in games or use speedtest tools to check impact.
  • Low ping is crucial for gaming, so test combinations to find the best stability and response times.
  • Optional – carefully try reputable third-party apps to further customize settings. Monitor their performance closely.
  • Contact SIMBA customer support for device/plan-specific suggestions to enhance networking for gaming needs.
  • If issues occur, revert to SIMBA’s default profile. Consistent connectivity is more important than minimal latency improvements.

Understanding Simba APN Settings

APN settings are kind of like a password that lets your phone connect to Simba’s internet. Your parents need to add the APN details Simba gave them – it’s really easy! Here’s are more examples and information about the APN configuration.

They just open your phone’s settings, tap where it says APN or cellular data, and type in the numbers and letters exactly right. It’s important to get them just like Simba said.

cropped selected and working simba configuration

Messing up even one little bit could mean your games, apps, and internet might not work. So remind Mom and Dad to triple-check as they type in that APN “password” for your phone! There are many components of an APN, like MCC, MNC, etc, know all of them here.

Configuring Simba APN Settings

If you have an Android device

Below is the short guide for Android users only, However, if you still find it difficult or want screenshots of the setup process then check this.

connections from settings highlighted
mobile networks from settings highlighted
access point names from settings highlighted
one of the apn from apn settings highlighted
edit access point highlighted in screenshot
  1. Open your Settings app and navigate to the Mobile Network or SIM & Network section.
  2. Tap into Access Point Names (APNs) to manage connections.
  3. Create a new APN by pressing the plus (+) icon.
  4. Enter the exact APN details that Simba provided you. Precision here is important.
  5. Be sure to save your new APN and set it as the default selection.

For iOS users

  1. In Settings, choose the Cellular option.
  2. Select Cellular Data Options, then Cellular Data Network.
  3. Input the Simba APN settings precisely as given to you.
  4. Double-check that you tap Done to save when finished.

Simba APN Settings Table

Plan NameNameAPNMMSUsernamePassword

Restoring Default APN Configuration

Sometimes, custom APN tweaks may cause conflicts or connectivity issues. In such cases, resetting to the default settings can resolve the problem:

three vertical dots from access point names highlighted
reset to default highlighted from settings
reset button highlighted for apn
restoring the apn settings to default

Troubleshooting Simba Internet

In my experience, even with careful configuration, you might encounter some hiccups when setting up a new SIM card. I’ve had a few bumps in the road myself. Here’s my handy guide to common issues I’ve faced and what worked for me:

Case 1: When I Had No Internet Access

I double-checked that I entered the APN details exactly as my provider gave them to me. Small typos can cause big problems. I also restarted my phone to refresh all the network settings. If I was getting frustrated, I enabled Airplane Mode for a few minutes, then turned it off again to kind of “reset” things. And if nothing else worked, I reset all my network settings back to default.

Case 2: When I Dealt with Slow Data Speeds

First, I made sure I didn’t go over my data allowance for the month. I checked if the network was just congested by trying to connect from a different location. I also played around with switching between 4G and 3G to compare speeds.

Case 3: When MMS Texts Wouldn’t Send

I opened the messaging app settings and verified I had entered the MMS settings properly. I also cleared the cache and data on the app, which helped get a fresh start. And I double checked that my phone supported MMS just in case.

Case 4: If I Got an “Invalid APN Settings” Error

I carefully went back through the APN settings I added, making sure special characters and spacing matched exactly what my provider gave me. If I still got the error, I reached out to customer support to see if they had any updated settings they could provide.

Case 5: When APN Settings Reset Unexpectedly

I made sure that after entering my APN information, I properly saved and selected it as the default settings for my SIM card. If it kept getting erased, I contacted customer support to see if there was an underlying issue with my device or their network that needed to be addressed.

I hope these tips help you out if you run into any of the same hurdles I did when setting up your new SIM card! Let me know in the comments if you have any other issues crop up.

Additional Tips and FAQs

ContactPhone NumberEmailAddressSocial Media
Simba Telecom Customer Care+65 1234 5678 (example)support@simba.com123 Telecom St, Singapore 567890Twitter, Facebook, Instagram
Simba Telecom Support+65 9876 5432 (example)helpdesk@simba.com456 Network Ave, Singapore 123456LinkedIn
Simba Telecom Corporate Office+65 8765 4321 (example)corporate@simba.com789 Tech Park, Singapore 345678Instagram, Twitter
  • Check your APN: On Android, go to Settings > Mobile Network > APNs and tap the Simba APN. Under “Status,” it should say “Connected.”
  • Troubleshooting: If you’re still facing issues, restart your device, check for network coverage, or contact SIMBA customer support.
  • Custom APNs: Do not use custom APN settings unless specifically instructed by SIMBA.
screenshot of the simba apn from the access point names settings on android


That’s it for the blog post today, I hope you enjoyed it. Today I tried showing you the Simba internet configuration that can work with all THE devices. It can improve the internet speed, including the downloading and uploading speed. If you still have any question or doubts then contact us.

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