APN for Lebara Fastest for Setting Up High Mobile Data [updated]

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screenshot of lebara apn configurations with same overlay text

Here are exactly the best APN settings for Lebara, for France, Spain, Australia, Germany, Netherlands, United Kingdom, which is proven to improve the internet speed for everyone and can result in fast internet speed and it is compatible with all the devices.

Lebara is a mobile telecommunications company that operates across the globe, offering both prepaid and postpaid plans. In order to use mobile data with your Lebara SIM card, you must correctly set up the Access Point Name (APN) settings. This article provides a detailed guide for configuring APN settings for Lebara on both Android and iOS devices.

Lebara APN Settings


NameLebara APN Mostly Internet UK
MMS Proxy212.183.137.12
MMS Port8799
Authentication typePAP
APN typeIf given a choice, select internet+mms. If the keyboard appears, enter *
screenshot of apn menu settings with naming the lebara apn
screenshot of apn menu settings with adding the apn value into the lebara apn
screenshot of edit access point menu with save and discard button for the lebara apn


image of phone on the table with configuring the lebara apn
screenshot of lebara apn 5g
screenshot of lebara apn australia
lebara apn netherlands screenshot

Netherlands Lebara

ProxyNot set/Blank
PortNot set/Blank
UsernameNot set/Blank
PasswordNot set/Blank
ServerNot set/Blank
MMSCNot set/Blank
MMS proxyNot set/Blank
MMS portNot set/Blank
MCC (Mobile Country Code)Leave as default (470)
MNC (Mobile Network Code)Leave as default (02)
Authentication typeNot set/None
APN typedefault,supl
APN protocolIPv4/IPv6
APN roaming ProtocolIPv4/IPv6
APN enable/disableAPN enabled
Mobile virtual network operator (MVNO) typeNone
Mobile virtual network operator (MVNO) valueNot set/Blank


NameAPNAPN ProtocolAPN RoamingHomepage
Lebara Internetinternet.lebara.deIpv4/IPv6Ipv4/IPv6LEBARA Homepage
apn for lebara france cropped screenshot


NameLebara Mobile by APN-MOSTLY.Com
ProxyNot Set
PortNot Set
UsernameNot Set
PasswordNot Set
ServerNot Set
MMS Proxy10.202.002.020
MMS Port8080
MCCLeave the Default Value – 505
MNCLeave the Default Value – 03
Authentication TypeNot Set
APN typedefault, supl, mms
APN protocolIpv4/IPv6
APN roaming protocolIpv4
APN Enable/disable APNAPN Enabled
MVNO typeNone
MVNO ValueNot Set
fr.lebara.mobi screenshot


Cellular Data Settings


LTE Setup (Optional)

screenshot of the lebara apn from the access point names menu

MMS Settings

APN TypeLeave it blankly empty
MMS ProxyBlank
MMS Message Size1048576
MMS UA Prof URLhttp://www.apple.com/mms/uaprof.rdf
lebara screenshot of apn by apn mostly

Lebara Mobile Spain APN Settings for Android:

In your Android device settings:

  • Name: Lebara ES
  • APN: gprsmov.lebaramobile.es
  • Other settings: As specified in your provided information.
screenshot of editing the lebara apn with thinking emoji and texts

Blackberry APN Settings:

  • Internet APN:
    • Access Point Name (APN): gprsmov.lebaramobile.es
    • Username: Blank
    • Password: Blank

Windows Phone APN Settings:

In your Windows Phone settings:

    • Profile Name:
    • APN: gprsmov.lebaramobile.es
    • User name: Blank
    • Password: Blank
    • Other settings as specified.

APN Settings for Modem/WiFi Dongle:

spain lebara screenshot access point name

In Profile Management settings:

  • Profile Name:
  • APN: gprsmov.lebaramobile.es
  • Access number: *99#
  • User name: Blank
  • Password: Blank
screenshot of the android settings of edit access point with lebara apn setting up

APN Settings for Lebara

Before configuring APN settings, ensure you have an active Lebara data plan. The APN settings vary depending on the country you are in. Refer to Lebara’s official website for country-specific APN details. Here are the general APN settings:

  • APN Name: Lebara Internet
  • APN: (Refer to Lebara’s website for country-specific APN)
  • Username: (Leave blank)
  • Password: (Leave blank)
  • Authentication Type: (Leave blank)

Configuring APN Settings on Different Devices

lebara highlighted apn for UK

For Android

Follow these simple steps to setup your APN settings on any Android device:

  1. Navigate to Settings > Network & Internet > Mobile Network.
  2. Tap on Access Point Names and then Add.
  3. Fill in the APN details as mentioned earlier.
  4. Save the new APN configuration.

For iOS

  1. Go to Settings > Cellular > Cellular Data.
  2. Tap on Cellular Data Options and then Cellular Data Network.
  3. Under APN Settings, fill in the APN details as mentioned earlier.
  4. Save the new APN configuration.

Restoring Default APN Configuration

However, if you’ve made modifications that seem to have caused more harm than good, don’t worry; there’s a simple solution. Return to the APN management menu and look for an option labeled “Reset to default” or represented by a refresh icon. Selecting this option will revert all your APN settings back to the original, Lebara-specified configuration, providing a fresh start.

  1. Return to the APN menu within your mobile data settings.
  2. Locate the “Reset to default” option, usually represented by three dots or a menu icon.
  3. Confirm the reset action to restore your device’s original APN configuration.

Troubleshooting APN Issues

If you’re facing problems connecting to the internet or dealing with slow internet speed, here’s what I suggest:

  • Firstly, make sure that your APN settings are correct. In my experience, incorrect settings can often be the culprit.
  • If the issue persists, try restarting your device. I’ve found that a simple restart can sometimes work wonders in resolving connectivity issues.
  • Another step you might want to take is re-inserting the SIM card. This has been a useful troubleshooting method for me in the past.
  • If none of these steps seem to solve the problem, don’t hesitate to reach out to Lebara customer support. In my case, they’ve been quite helpful in providing further assistance and resolving connectivity issues.
  • Another way can be resetting the apn settings or the reset the network settings.


Using the correct APN settings ensures seamless mobile data connectivity on your Lebara SIM card. If you encounter any issues, follow the troubleshooting steps provided. For further assistance, refer to Lebara’s official website or contact customer support.

So that’s it for today’s blog post. In today’s blog, we have dedicated our time to providing you with the APN settings for Lebara across various countries. It is officially recommended by most websites, and we have personally tried it. After experimenting with all these 18 settings, we can confidently say that implementing them can lead to a significant increase in both download and upload speeds. In terms of gaming, if you are a gamer or play games on a mobile device using this network, you will experience a notable improvement in the stability of your ping (MS).

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