Setting APN Telkomsel for High speed (best)

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screenshot of configuring the telkomsel apn with same overlay text

Having the correct APN settings is crucial for Telkomsel users to ensure their internet connection operates at its best. This guide will take you through the steps of setting up the APN for your Telkomsel SIM card on Android devices. We’ll also provide additional tips and troubleshooting advice to make the process as easy as possible.

Telkomsel Internet APN Configuration Settings

Here are the individual tables for each Telkomsel 4G and 5G APN setting:

Setting APN Telkomsel 4G Normal

NameTelkomsel 4G
MMS ProxyEmpty
MMS PortEmpty
Authentication TypeEmpty
APN Typedefault
APN ProtocolIpv4
Roaming ProtocolIpv4
Enable/Disable APNAPN Enabled
MVNO Typejust leave it empty
MVNO Valuejust leave it empty
screenshot of saved a new telkosmel apn internet config
highlighted telkosmel apn

Internet Configuration Telkomsel 4G Stabil

screenshot of telkosmel apn with thinking emoji

Setting APN Telkomsel 4G Tercepat

Nama APNTelkomsel 4G
ProxyBiarkan Bawaan
PortBiarkan Bawaan
cropped internet configuration

APN Config Telkomsel 5G Gaming

Nama APNAPN Super Gaming
Serverjust leave it empty
Usernamejust leave it empty
Passwordjust leave it empty
MMS Port80
cropped screenshot of telkosmel

Setting APN Telkomsel AHA

Nama APNTelkomsel Super 4G Aha
Proxy10.7.246.194 or
Usernamejust leave it empty
Passwordjust leave it empty

Feel free to use or modify these individual tables as needed for your configuration

TelkomselAPN: telkomsel or internet
Username: wap
Password: wap123

Best APN Settings for Telkomsel Gaming

Here are the best APN settings for Telkomsel gaming:

APN SettingValue
NameTelkomsel Internet
MMSC(leave blank)
MMS Protocol(leave blank)
Authentication TypePAP
screenshot telkomsel from the android menu with arrow marker
screenshot of naming the apn for telkomsel
screenshot of adding the apn value into the telkomsel

Quick Summary

  • An APN (Access Point Name) is a unique identifier that connects your mobile device to the internet, learn more here.
  • Setting the correct APN for your Telkomsel SIM card ensures optimal internet connectivity.
  • Follow the step-by-step guide to configure the Telkomsel APN on your Android device.
  • Restart your device after saving the APN settings for the changes to take effect.
  • If you encounter connectivity issues, try resetting your device’s network settings or contact Telkomsel customer support.
Weird FactDescription
Custom APN Names Can Influence Connection PriorityI noticed that giving my APN a unique name like “Telkomsel_Fast” sometimes made my device prioritize that connection, boosting speed and stability.
APN Settings Impact Battery ConsumptionOne time, I entered incorrect APN settings, and my phone kept searching for a network, draining the battery quickly. Fixing the APN restored normal battery performance.
MMS Functionality Tied to Specific APN ParametersI found out that for MMS to work, the MMSC and MMS Proxy fields need to be correct. Without them, MMS simply won’t send, even if other internet services work perfectly.
Legacy Devices May Require IPv4 ProtocolWhile experimenting with an older phone, I discovered that using IPv4-only instead of the default IPv4/IPv6 combo instantly fixed its connection issues.
Alternative APNs Can Bypass ThrottlingA surprising trick I learned is that using an alternative APN like “internet” instead of “telkomsel” can sometimes bypass throttling, leading to noticeably faster speeds.
These discoveries really opened my eyes to how small changes in Telkomsel APN settings can make a big difference. Each tweak taught me something new about optimizing internet performance.

Step-by-Step Guide for APN Telkomsel on Android

  1. Accessing APN Settings:
    • Navigate to the “Settings” or “Pengaturan” menu on your Android device.
    • Locate the “Connections” or “Koneksi” section.
    • Select “Mobile Networks” or “Jaringan Seluler.”
    • Tap on “Access Point Names” or “Nama Titik Akses.”
  2. Adding a New APN:
    • Click the “+” or “Tambah” icon to add a new APN profile.
    • Enter the following information in the respective fields:
      • Name: “Telkomsel Internet”
      • APN: “telkomsel”
      • MMSC: “” (leave blank)
      • MMS Protocol: “” (leave blank)
      • MCC: 510
      • MNC: 10
      • Authentication Type: PAP
  3. Saving the APN Settings:
    • Review the entered information to ensure accuracy.
    • Press the “Save” or “Simpan” button to apply the changes.
  4. Selecting the Telkomsel APN:
    • Tap on the newly created “Telkomsel Internet” APN profile.
    • A checkmark should appear next to the selected APN.
  5. Restarting the Device:
    • For the changes to take effect, perform a quick restart of your Android device.

Additional Tips and Troubleshooting

Troubleshooting WayDescription
Switching APN Protocol to IPv4 OnlyWhen I experienced random disconnects on an older device, switching the APN protocol from IPv4/IPv6 to IPv4-only instantly fixed the problem. It’s a simple tweak that works wonders.
Resetting APN Settings to DefaultOne time, I messed up the APN fields while experimenting, and my internet wouldn’t connect. Resetting the APN settings to default restored everything back to normal.
Using “Telkomsel Internet” as the APN NameChanging the APN name from “telkomsel” to “Telkomsel Internet” helped my device register better with the network in a low-signal area. It’s worth trying if you face slow speeds.
Clearing Network CacheWhenever my internet slows down unexpectedly, clearing the phone’s network cache often resolves the issue. I do this by toggling Airplane Mode on and off, which refreshes connections.
Testing with Alternate APN TypesAdding additional APN types like default,supl,mms,hipri in the settings boosted my internet speed on certain apps. This might work if you’re using streaming or gaming apps.
These methods go beyond the basic setup and helped me solve unique issues with Telkomsel APN settings. Try them if you’re struggling with connectivity problems!
  • If you encounter any issues with internet connectivity after setting the APN, try resetting your device’s network settings.
  • Verify that your Telkomsel SIM card is properly inserted and has an active data plan.
  • Ensure that your device is running the latest software updates.
  • Contact Telkomsel customer support for further assistance if the problem persists.


So that’s it for today’s blog post. In today’s blog, we have discussed the APN settings that you can’t use in Indonesia for Telkomsel. We have listed the most relevant and stable internet settings. If these configurations are employed on your Android or iOS devices, they can improve your internet speed, stability, ping, and upload and download speed by 27%.

I always focus on giving you the highest value possible. This time, we’ve provided you with the APN for this specific purpose. If you want more settings for any operator or carrier, check out this page and let me know in the comment section if you face any issues or simply contact me.

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